29 August 2010


A classic late 80's tune, but this girl 魏如昀 and her band has breathed a new life to it. A meaningful song sung with a sincere voice. Can't think of anything else to describe other than - SUPERB!

詞:陳樂融 曲:陳志遠

當我佇立在窗前 你愈走愈遠
我的每一次心跳 你是否聽見
當我徘徊在深夜 你在我心田
你的每一句誓言 迴盪在耳邊


天天想你 天天問自己 
天天想你 天天守住一顆心 

25 August 2010

A Pre-26th Birthday Thought

Turning 26 soon, very soon...
That's more than a quarter of a century old,
An important year
A future defining year
A career defining year
A ME-defining year indeed

I've done enough to be proud of myself
I've done more than enough to make others proud
I've done enough to make others happy
Have I done enough to make myself happy?

Let's see...
I think I do treat myself well
I bought myself presents - everyday is birthday, christmas, valentine, new year
I feed myself well
I dress myself well
I never hesitate to take myself to see the world
I never hesitate to sacrifice myself for myself.

So, in conclusion
My last 25 years have been very ME-orientated
Everything is diverted to ME and myself
Selfish? No
Self admiring? Probably
Self indulgent? Most probably
Self loving? Defintiely!

I think it's time for a change...
I shall half the ME
I shall clear some space for another YOU
So when YOU come around,
YOU will move straight in,
To complete the now half-ME
To become a YOU-and-ME

So, where are YOU?
Give me a shout if you are hiding nearby :)

拋物線 by 蔡健雅 - Trajectory of Love

One of the best songs, and my favourite recently. Wonderful melody with a marvellously clever and poetic lyrics. Tanya sang it so beautifully, telling you with all her heart about the trajectory of love...

拋物線 Trajectory of Love

Lyrics and my translation attempt:

我確實說 我這樣說 我不在乎結果
I'm saying it truthfully, I'm saying it this way - I don't care about the ending

我對你說 我有把握 成功例子好多
I'm saying this to you, I am confident about it - There are too many successful stories

人們虛假又造作 總愛得不溫不火
Human beings are hypocritical and pretentious - They always love with moderation

If we are sincere, there will be no mistake

我沒想過我會難過 你竟然離開我
I've never thought that I will be sad, but you've actually left me

愛沿著 拋物線
Love follows its trajectory

離幸福 總降落得差一點
It always miss happiness by a little

流著血 心跳卻不曾被心痛削減
We are bleeding, but our heartbeats have never been suppressed by hearaches

With honesty and truthfulness

青春的 拋物線
Youth's trajectory curve

把未來 始於相遇的地點
It predicts the future, by extrapolating the starting point

When you've reached a certain height, you will realise...

The phases of the moon seen on the ground, is only an illusion

我好想說 我只想說 我不要這後果
I really want to say, I only want to say - I don't want this ending

可是你說 相對來說 走開是種解脫
But you said, on the contrary - Leaving is a relief

當初親密的動作 變成當下的閃躲
When intimate gestures becomes avoidance

What is the flaw in the progress of this relationship?

我沒想過我會難過 你終於離開我
I never expect to be this down, when you leave me

When you've reached a certain height, you will realise...

The phases of the moon seen on the ground, is only an illusion